Welcome to Mayr|Ludescher|Partner.

Bridge over the Danube, Deggendorf

Olympic Ski Jump, Garmisch-Partenkirchen

John Cranko Ballet School Stuttgart

Timber Construction Skatepark, Stuttgart

Multi-Story Car Park P14 with Stuttgart Airport Bus-Terminal (SAB)

Stuttgart Trade Fair Center

Neckarbridge Mühlhausen-Hofen, Stuttgart

Mecca Clock Tower, Mecca, Saudi-Arabia

Tramway-, Pedestrian- and Bicyclebridge, Munich

Vocational School Center, Munich

Aviary in the Wilhelma, Stuttgart
Structures: Research | Design | Analyze | Construct | Engineer | Build
As a consulting engineering firm in the fields of structural engineering und building construction with offices in Stuttgart and Munich, we are developing optimized and innovative load bearing systems for buildings and engineering structures - in cooperation with architects, within integrated multi-disciplinary design teams, or under our own leadership.
At this we are achieving a high quality of engineering performance through a team of well-educated and highly motivated engineers, a widely diversified spectrum of engineering services, and a targeted working philosophy leading to slender, aesthetic, functional, and sustainable structures and buildings.