Competition Neckarbridge Heidelberg

For the realization of the pedestrian and cyclist bridge over the Neckar, the city of Heidelberg, together with the IBA Heidelberg, launched a two-stage, international planning competition.
In the first stage of the limited competition, together in a team with DKFS Architects, London, and Prof. Jörg Stötzer, Stuttgart, we initially prevailed from a total of 14 designs for the second phase, which was then continued with only five teams during the second stage.
After revising and developing our design, we are pleased now to have received a third prize in the competition after the final jury session.
Our competition entry includes a filigree bridge structure in the form of a modern, one-sided suspension bridge with a slightly kinked floor plan, which does not require an expensive ramp system on the north bank and thus provides a structurally sophisticated and economically optimized solution at the same time.
The designs of the first three prize winners can be viewed online at the following link: > > Online exhibition: Cycle and footpath bridge over the Neckar